Thank you for your interest in Peoples Baptist Church and our Church Nursery. We pray that the information given below will give you confidence in the care we will provide for your precious loved ones while in our nursery.
Please note that we do not allow small babies into the main auditorium during church services; therefore, we have organized a volunteer-run nursery with faithful Christian ladies who lovingly and willingly provide child care for your convenience.
0-24 Month Old Nursery Infant Nursery
While you are at Sunday School and church, your baby will be well cared for. The nursery workers are loving,
kind and capable in the care of children in this age group. Special attention is given to making sure they are kept
clean and happy. There are toys throughout the nursery designed with the growth of your baby in mind.
2-3 Year Old “Little Angels”
While you are in Sunday School, your child is also in Sunday School. This nursery provides a Sunday School
Class that teaches a weekly Bible lesson at a level they can understand. They will have coloring projects and
crafts that will entertain and teach. Following the Sunday School hour, your child will enjoy a schedule of
activities that include stories, songs, snacks, and plenty of active play time.
Diapers Bags: A few diapers, bottles, formula/food, bibs, pacifier with clip-on holder, a change of clothes (just
in case) and any special snacks a child requires/prefers. If possible please label your child's belongings to be
used during nursery as it would be a great assist to our workers.
Potty Training: If your child is being potty trained, please have them wear PULL-UPS to nursery until they are
having no “accidents”.
Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures
Our Nursery works on a “tag system". When you arrive, a worker will hand you a baby information clipboard for you to fill out and a numbered tag to identify your child and your child’s items. The numbered tag must be brought back to the nursery at the end of service in order to pick up your child.
Children should be signed in and out by a parent or adult caregiver.
Food allergies and special needs/instructions must be written BOLDLY on the clipboard as well as communicated verbally to workers.
In an effort to maintain the highest level of safety and order in our nurseries, we must insist that no parents enter the nurseries. We work very diligently to ensure the safety of the children. We ask that all parents understand and respect this safety guideline.
Saying Good-bye
After you have completed the check-in process, simply wave a quick good-bye or give a quick hug and leave
for the church service. It is normal for little ones to sometimes cry when leaving a parent. This does not last
long and separation becomes easier over time. Our nursery workers will immediately comfort your child and
try to create interest in a toy or activity assuring him/her that you will return after service.
When Shouldn’t Baby Come To the Nursery?
We operate a “well-baby” program. For the protection of all the children in the nursery, we cannot accept a
child who is ill.
… fever in the past 24 hours
… a runny nose from an infection cold- yellow or green runny nose; mucous present
… When child is contagious (pink-eye, chicken pox, fever, any unexplained rash, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing frequently)
We are looking forward to serving you in our Nursery. We pray you will allow us the opportunity to serve you in the care of your children and that you have an opportunity to listen to the Word of God Preached in our Church Auditorium.
Current Schedule
Please note that the Nursery program is currently running the following schedule:
Sunday 8:45 AM - Main Service
Sunday 10:00 AM - Sunday School
Sunday 11:00 AM - Main Service
Sunday 6:30 PM - Evening Service
Wednesday 7:30 PM - Evening Service/Bible Study
Saturday 10:00 AM - Soul-winning
God Bless You!
Nursery Director,
Mrs. Munoz
Phil 4:13
(Nursery worker schedule below)