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If you're here checking us out and are considering giving PBC a try, please read this quick intro that should help give you some insight into our Church and hopefully answer your initial questions.

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Friendliest Church in the World

I want to personally welcome you to the friendliest church in the world!

There is something very special about Sundays. There is also something special about our church, and I am sure you will notice it. I am honored that you have decided to look at us more closely, and truly look forward to meeting you here when you come to service!

-- Pastor Mike Dinges --

Pastor Mike Dinges

Pastor Dinges has over thirty years of soul winning, Sunday School, and preaching experience. He also had times where he focused on youth work and the Bus ministry. 


He was born into a middle-class working family in New York City. He grew up in a very stable & predictable home and was saved at age seven. 

In 1988, at age 21, he married his sweetheart, Kari, whom he had been dating for three and a half years. They have two wonderful children, Hannah Kathleen and Jakob Keith. Jakob married Katie in 2022.

In 1993, he took a group of ten people and started the Peoples Baptist Church. Over the last 31 years, they have met in homes, on driveways, rented a basement, and other buildings to meet in. The church is now on the northeast corner of Route 3 and the Garden State parkway. They have a beautiful brick building and parking lot and are completely debt free. The church is known as the “Friendliest Church in the World” and has people that certainly earn that reputation every Sunday. The church ministries are growing and new ones are started consistently. 

Come for a Visit

Peoples Baptist Church provides two identical services on Sunday mornings. We have an 8:45 AM service and an 11 AM service. We are also offering a 6:30 PM service in the evening as well - note that this sermon differs from the 8:45 AM or 11 AM services. We encourage everyone to attend either morning service plus the evening service.

Our History

In 1992, Pastor Dave Bulka and First Baptist Church of Caldwell had a vision to start another church east of their city. They organized and then called Pastor Dinges who was just out of Bible college to take over this new work. This church was started in a driveway in Bloomfield during the summer of 1993. We eventually rented a basement for two and a half years and several other buildings along the way. In 1998 we finally were able to obtain our permanent building on route 3. Since then, we have been able to start many ministries, notably the Sunday School and Bus Ministry.

Our Sunday School Ministry gives people an opportunity to use their talents to teach the Bible to various ages and stages of life. Our Bus Ministry goes into our surrounding cities and "brings them in."


Our Beliefs

Peoples Baptist Church is a King James Bible-believing church that teaches and preaches the word of God to be inerrant, God-breathed, and the final authority for faith and life. PBC believes in the Holy Trinity of God, the true deity and humanity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His atonement for the sins of the world by His death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension into heaven, His perpetual intercession on behalf of Christians, and His personal, bodily, and visible return to earth.

We teach and preach from the Scriptures that all men are by nature and by choice sinners and, therefore, in need of a Savior.


Salvation is by grace, a free gift of God, obtained by Jesus Christ through His death, burial, and bodily resurrection. Salvation is only through Him and by personal faith in Him.

Church Interior
Church Auditorium.jpg

From Our Pastor

I want to personally welcome you to the friendliest church in the world!

There is something very special about Sundays. There is also something special about our church, and I am sure you will notice it. I am honored that you have decided to look at us more closely, and truly look forward to meeting you here when you come to service!

Our goal is to make the next decision for Jesus Christ. If you have not settled that you trust only Him to take you to heaven, we hope that you make that decision as part of your visit to our church. If you have not been baptized to make your faith in Him public, we pray that you decide to be baptized here at the conclusion of one of our services. If there is an area of your life that could please your Savior more, we hope that you decide to improve it so that He would be pleased. If the Lord is showing you how you can serve Him in a greater way, we hope that you decide to follow Him!

May God bless you!

Pastor Mike Dinges


From Our Deacons

On behalf of the deacons of Peoples Baptist Church and their families, we thank you for visiting our site and look forward to meeting you personally!  We do strive to be the “friendliest church in the world!"

In this fast-paced, highly demanding Northeast region we live in, we can so easily be caught up in the day to day and forget the One Who is our source of peace. We hope to be a place and a people that you may find refreshing to your soul. We pray it would be a place you and your family can be grounded and growing in your faith in Jesus Christ.

  • Psalm 71:3, “Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort: thou hast given commandment to save me; for thou art my rock and my fortress.”

  • Exodus 31:17, “It is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.”


May the Lord richly bless you, 


Julio Rubbet

Mike Wassily

Gerardo Nieves

Abraham Guerra

Angel Garcia

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